Sunday, January 2, 2011


My flight leaves for Ireland (by way of Atlanta - what???) tomorrow at 11:35. It's so close! As most of you know, I'm a little bit of a procrastinator, so I'm still packing! Oops. Next international trip I'll be better, I promise! Don't worry, all I have to do is cram all my clothes into a carry-on (Almost done, right? Haha).

Well, I don't know anyone going, since I'm one of two non-youth ministries majors on this trip (PoliSci, yeah!).  It's completely uncharacteristic of me to go anywhere without knowing anyone. Oddly enough, I'm not really nervous at all for the trip. I'm SO EXCITED to finally get to Ireland! I've been saying I'd go there for years and years and I can't believe I'm actually doing it!

I suppose I should go finish packing. I'll leave you all with my favorite verse: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

My next post will be from IRELAND!!!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. have a safe trip! i send prayers and hope the weather is beautiful and amazing for you.

  3. Yay!! Have an AMAZING time! Take LOTS of pictures (I know you will) ;) And enjoy every minuet of it~ even the rough times...they are there for a purpose also;)
    Love you Manda and I CANNOT WAIT to hear about it!

  4. As I write this you're winging your way across the Atlantic to Dublin. I hope the flight is smooth and the transfers go well. Miss you, kiddo. You rock!
