Tuesday, December 28, 2010


One week from today, I'll be in Ireland! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. What I'm probably most looking forward to are...the accents. And the views! This will be photography heaven, I already know it. What I'm not looking forward to...the airports (I'm not a fan of flying, and we have a layover in Atlanta - the WORST airport in history)...and blood pudding. I'm not sure if I can work up the nerve to try it! Seeing as I generally can't stand even the sight of blood, trying to eat it should be (how do I put this diplomatically?) an interesting experience. I also have no idea how I'm going to pack for a month in a carry-on. Packing will be a challenge!

All in all though, I'm enormously excited to finally be in Ireland. I've only been wanting to go for, oh, I don't know, YEARS! No big deal, just seeing where my awesome Grandma was from. I'm basically about to keel over from excitement!!! I'm hoping that this trip can be a jumping off point for many, MANY future trips to Ireland for my family.

I'll leave it at that and probably post more in the next week about the challenges of getting ready for this trip. (Sneak peek: One of my challenges will probably be anxiety! Haha...anyone who knows me at all will expect that.)

Amanda (A.K.A. Florence "Terry" Lavery's granddaughter...look out Ireland, we're back!)